Borough Building, Council Chambers, 425 Bower Hill Road, Bridgeville, PA
Bridgeville Borough Council will hold their meetings, starting at 7:00PM, the following dates:
January 13 February 10
March 10 April 14
May 12 June 9
July 14 August 11
September 8 October 13
November 10 December 8
Bridgeville Parking Authority will meet on the third Monday of each month at 7:00PM, with the exception of January’s meeting that will be held on Tuesday, January 21.
Bridgeville Planning Commission will hold their meetings at 7:00PM unless otherwise notified on the following dates:
January 27 February 24
March 24 April 28
May 27 (Tuesday) June 23
July 28 August 25
September 22 October 27
December 1
Zoning Hearings and Civil Service Commission Meetings will be scheduled as needed.
All meetings that are held virtually will be at www.Zoom.us. Meeting ID: 7328600080 / Password: 032445 To participate via telephone, call 646-558-8656.