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Trash & Recycling


The following guidelines apply to all residential trash and recycling collection in the borough:


Trash service is weekly and will be collected every Friday.  Trash and recycling must be out the night before your collection day after 6PM, or prior to 6 AM on the day of collection.

There is a weekly limit of ten (10) bags of trash and two (2) bulk items per house.  Each bag of trash must be under forty (40) lbs. 


All trash MUST be bagged before being placed in the trash can. Loose trash is a potential health hazard for collection crews, is more difficult to collect, and is a major factor in municipal litter.

All trash and recycling containers, as well as bulk items, must be within five feet of the curb (or five feet from the edge of a traveled road) and placed so as not to interfere with the collection of other items, block the right of way or obstruct traffic.  Items not visible or otherwise obstructed from view will not be collected.

Freon must be removed from refrigerators, dehumidifiers, freezers, etc.  Proof of removal must be on the item and visible to collection crews.  

Paint cans must be dried out (kitty litter works well) and placed next to garbage cans with lid off. 

Carpeting and tree branches must be less than 4 feet long and bundled.  

Christmas trees can be placed out with your weekly trash pick up during the period of December 26th through January 15th.  


Needles are considered a biohazard and not permitted to be thrown away in regular household trash.  

No tires, automobile parts, building or construction materials, cement, concrete, asphalt, paving materials, sand, stones, dirt, ashes, metal 55-gallon drums or grease drums.

Appliances that still contain Freon.  


Please keep in mind there are six major holidays that could delay collection by one day each year, including New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.  In this case, trash will be picked up on Saturdays.  Please refer to the Trash & Recycling Calendar


Recycling will be collected every other week for all residences.  For pick-up dates, please refer to the Trash & Recycling Calendar on the website.  

All recyclables should be rinsed prior to placing them in your recycling bin.  Food contamination may prevent items from being recycled when they arrive at the recycling plant. 

Please do not bag your recycling, it should be placed in the container loose.  If you are placing loose cardboard out for recycling, to save space in your recycling cart please flatten all boxes and stack them neatly next to your recycling can.  Do not bundle with tape or twine.  

There will be no limit on the amount of recycling collected on your scheduled pickup day.

Glass is back!!  Clear, brown, blue, and green glass food and beverage containers or jars are accepted in your recycling containers. 

The two types of plastic that are still recyclable are Type 1  (PETE, PET) &  Type 2  (HDPE, PEHD), which are the most common. Examples of Type 1 include soda, water, salad dressing and cooking oil bottles (either bottles you drink from, or that hold consumables). Some examples of Type 2 include milk and juice jugs, shampoo, conditioner or bodywash bottles and laundry detergents containers.

Neither of these lists are comprehensive, so be sure to check each container for the recycling logo and the codes PET or PETE for Type 1 and PEHD or HDPE for Type 2.  If the container has any of these codes or numbers in the recycle triangle, it is recyclable. If it does not, then it is not recyclable. 

Types 3-7 Plastics are NOT recyclable. There is no market for this material, so if it ends up in the recycling, it will be trucked to the recycling plant, then sorted and trucked to the landfill.  The best way to reduce the carbon footprint of each item is to follow these guidelines closely and be sure to contact County Hauling Customer Service at (724)929-7694 or email [email protected]  if you have any questions! 

There will be no limit on the amount of recycling collected on your scheduled pickup day.

List of recyclable and non-recyclable materials 

If you wish to purchase an additional recycling cart you may do so for a price of $50.00 at the Borough Office. Please contact 412-221-6012 x 110 for more information.


Call 724-929-7694 option 2; 412-221-6012 Ext. 115 or email [email protected]