August 6, 2017 @ 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Chartiers Park
1121 Chartiers St
Bridgeville, PA 15017

As you are probably aware, last week’s severe rain storms caused Chartiers Creek to overflow at Chartiers Park on Saturday.

The flooding was not as bad as during 2004, but the entire park was once again under three or more feet of water and nearly all of the field maintenance equipment, pitching machines, baseball/softball gear, reserve soils, field care products, and concession stand components have been affected.

*The BAA Board of Directors is in the initial phases of assessing the extent of the damage and losses, but we ask that you consider assisting the organization by donating your time to the recovery effort or your funds to help replace / repair items that have been damaged.

Once we have a clear understanding of the material damage, the BAA Board may reach out again for donations to ensure we can maintain a successful Youth Baseball and Softball program for the community in the 2018 season and beyond.

Until then, donations are 100% tax-deductible and may be mailed to:

BAA: 2017 Flood Recovery Effort
PO Box 91
Bridgeville, PA 15017

If you can assist in-person on Sunday, please bring your lawn equipment, power washers, paint brushes, ladders, shovels, wheel barrels, cleaning materials for the concession stand, and whatever else you think might help.

This All-Volunteer Organization relies on your support!

Kids are welcome to play in the park while the adults work & the BAA will provide Pizza!

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