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Administration, Public Works, & Tax Office


The Bridgeville Borough office is the “operations center” for the community. Borough Manager, Joe Kauer, and staff take care of the day-to-day operations, implement policy decisions, and coordinate activities of other Borough departments.

The Borough office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for inquiries, applications, and information about community services. Payments for your sanitation bill are accepted at the office.

When selling or refinancing your property, the following certificates can be obtained at the municipal office:

We are often asked about PA Driver’s Licenses and Auto Registration and renewals. You can find all DMV information and renew on-line by clicking here.

Public Works

The Bridgeville Public Works Department is responsible for snow and ice removal, sanitary and storm sewer maintenance, sign rehabilitation, traffic markings, upkeep of public buildings, facilities, parks, and street maintenance within the Borough.  Our Public Works activities are cared for by a staff of five full-time employees.  The Public Works Department works very hard year-round to make certain that the physical comforts of the Borough’s residents are met.


Street-sweeping is conducted on a weekly basis from the first week of April through the last week of May.  Beginning the month of June through September, streets are swept the full third week of the month.  To see what day of the week your street is swept:


Why Street Sweeping?

Street sweeping is important for a variety of reasons from aesthetics to environmental health.  Street sweeping helps remove harmful materials from streets.  It prevents plastics, metal, pollutants, and other harmful materials from entering the stormwater system and ultimately local waterways.  Furthermore, removing debris can make the streets safer and lessen the rate of vehicle accidents and can improve driver safety.  Removing this dirt and debris also can provide a healthier, safer and attractive environment which benefits the entire community.  By moving your vehicle off the street, the street sweeper can access the entire street and gutters to remove the debris and also remove blockages from the stormwater drains to allow for enhanced flow.

Following the street sweeping routes and schedule, the Public Works Department collects brush at the curbside during the months of April and November, and curbside leaf collection mid-October through early December each year.

To report a complaint about a pothole or call our attention to a matter in the community; please contact the Borough Office at 412-221-6012 x110.

Real Estate Tax Office

The Real Estate Tax Office is located in the Borough Municipal Building and is open Tuesday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. During July & August 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. — Closed Monday and Friday. The Tax Office collects Borough and School Real Estate Tax payments only.

Other area taxes including Earned Income Tax, Occupation Privilege Tax, Business and Mercantile taxes are collected by:

MCMURRAY, PA 15317-3349