March 22, 2024 @ 7:00 pm

SouthBridge EMS invites the community to “Honorable But Broken – EMS in Crisis” a film documenting the chaos of duty, and the untold story of the honorable but broken heroes of EMS

Two showings in Bridgeville:

  • Friday, March 22, 7PM at the Bridgeville Borough Building
  • Sunday, March 24th, 1PM at BVFD Chartiers Room

“Honorable But Broken | EMS in Crisis” sheds light on the challenges and struggles faced by emergency medical services (EMS) professionals, highlighting the critical role they play in society. For members of the general public, it serves as an eye-opening look into the demanding nature of EMS work and the sacrifices made by these individuals to save lives. It fosters appreciation and understanding for the vital services provided by EMS personnel, encouraging support and advocacy for improved resources and conditions within the EMS field.

For government officials, the documentary underscores the urgent need for policy changes and increased funding to address systemic issues within the EMS system. It emphasizes the importance of investing in training, equipment, and mental health support for EMS workers to ensure their well-being and effectiveness in responding to emergencies. By raising awareness among policymakers, the documentary can catalyze positive reforms and improvements within the EMS sector, ultimately benefiting both EMS professionals and the communities they serve.

“Bryony Gilbey, a former producer for ABC News and 60 Minutes, took a different approach. Her new documentary, “Honorable But Broken: EMS in Crisis,” explores how a critical workforce shortage and inadequate funding threatens the existence of EMS, particularly in rural areas.

The film tries to paint a full picture of what it is like to work in EMS,” Gilbey said. “The honorable part is that this is an incredible industry. It’s described in the film by a physician as a ‘noble profession’.

The broken part is it is still reliant on a reimbursement model based on EMS being exclusively a transportation mechanism from the 1970s. That fundamentally needs to be revamped. It doesn’t cover what EMS does today.””

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