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ROLL CALL – Roll was called with the following present:
Council President, William Henderson
Council Vice-President, Nino Petrocelli, Sr.
Council Member, Bruce Ghelarducci
Council Member, Joseph Colosimo
Council Member, Joseph Verduci
Council Member, Virginia Schneider
Council Member, Nicholas Ciesielski
Mayor, Betty Copeland
Solicitor, Thomas McDermott
Borough Engineer, Kevin Brett
Borough Manager, Lori Collins
Assistant to the Manager, Cheryl Glowark
Police Chief, Chad King
Fire Chief, Ray Costain (absent)
Southbridge EMS, Dan Miller

Council President Henderson reported Executive Sessions were held via Zoom on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM and on Monday, May 11, 2020, at 5:30 PM to discuss personnel matters.
Pat DeBlasio thanked Manager Collins for her dedicated service and always putting the Borough first.
A motion was made by B. Ghelarducci, seconded by V. Schneider, and carried to approve April 13, 2020, Regular Meeting Minutes as submitted. All in favor, motion passed 7-0.

A motion was made by J. Verduci, seconded by N.Ciesielski, and carried to approve the May 2020 Final Bill List. All in favor, motion passed 7-0.

A motion was made by B. Ghelarducci, seconded by J. Colosimo, and carried to approve the May 15, 22, 29, and June 5, 2020 payrolls. All in favor, motion passed 7-0.

A motion was made by B. Ghelarducci, seconded by N. Petrocelli, Sr., and carried to adopt Resolution No. 2020-05 confirming that Bridgeville Borough is formally requesting GEDTF grants funds from the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RAAC) for the Pollutant Reduction Plan Implementation Project in the amount of $137,500.00. All in favor, motion passed 7-0.

A motion was made by N. Petrocelli, Sr., seconded by N.Ciesielski, and carried to adopt Resolution No. 2020-06 confirming that Bridgeville Borough is formally requesting GEDTF grants funds from the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RAAC) for the Werner Avenue Retaining Wall Project in the amount of $310,000.00. All in favor, motion passed 7-0.

A motion was made by J. Colosimo, seconded by J. Verduci, and carried to adopt Resolution No. 2020- 07 confirming that Bridgeville Borough is formally requesting GTRP (Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program) grant funds from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used for Chartiers Park Improvements in the amount of $250,000.00. All in favor, motion passed 7-0.

A motion was made by J. Verduci, seconded by N. Ciesielski, and carried to amend the agreement between Bridgeville Borough and Cargill, Inc. to extend the time to meet the minimum eighty (80%) percent purchase requirement for the initial term of the existing contract to December 31, 2020. Motion passed 7-0.

A motion was made by B. Ghelarducci, seconded by N. Petrocelli, Sr., and carried to advertise an ordinance of the Borough of Bridgeville relative to the establishment and maintenance of police employees’ pension, annuity, insurance, and benefit fund or funds, to amend certain provisions of the pension plan or program applicable to the police employees of the Borough. All in favor, motion passed 7-0.

A motion was made by B. Ghelarducci, seconded by V. Schneider, and carried to advertise for bid Contract No. 20-W01 to repair the Maple Street Retaining Wall. All in favor, motion passed 7-0.

A motion was made by V. Schneider, seconded by N. Petrocelli, Sr., and carried to execute a separation agreement between Bridgeville Borough and Lori Collins effective May 31, 2020. All in favor, motion passed 7-0.

A motion was made by V. Schneider, seconded by N. Petrocelli, Sr., and carried to adopt Resolution No. 2020-08 appointing Joseph A. Kauer to serve as Borough Manager and Borough Secretary, and as Borough Zoning Officer/Official and Code Officer/Official effective July 27, 2020. All in favor, motion passed 7-0. Public comments were received from Joe Verduci and Pat DeBlasio in favor of the appointment.

A motion was made by J. Verduci, seconded by B. Ghelarducci, and carried to accept and pay any commission due the April 2020 Real Estate Tax Collector’s Report. All in favor, motion passed 7-0.

A motion was made by J. Verduci, seconded by V. Schneider, and carried to accept the March 2020 Treasurer’s Report. All in favor, motion passed 7-0.

A motion was made by B. Ghelarducci, seconded by N. Ciesielski, and carried to accept the March 2020 Police Report. All in favor, motion passed 7-0.

COMMITTEE REPORTS ADMINISTRATION, VIRGINIA SCHNEIDER – Councilwoman Schneider said the committee has been very busy vetting applicants for the manager position. The committee is continuing to monitor staffing needs at the Borough Building to adhere to the CDC guidelines. Ms. Schneider thanked Manager Collins for her time and dedication to Bridgeville. FINANCE, JOSEPH VERDUCI – Councilman Verduci said the committee met virtually to discuss future financial concerns due to the COVID-19 crisis and what it will look like in the next quarters of the year. PARKS & RECREATION, JOSEPH COLOSIMO – Councilman Colosimo said the parks have been opened and virtual bids open tomorrow for the McLaughlin Park upgrades. PUBLIC WORKS/BUILDINGS, NINO PETROCELLI, SR. – Councilman Petrocelli said work is being done but differently than it used to due to the COVID crisis. PUBLIC SAFETY, BRUCE GHELARDUCCI – Councilman Ghelarducci said they are ready to advertise for an officer to fill the vacancy.

A motion was made by B. Ghelarducci, seconded by N. Ciesielski, and carried to advertise for a police officer. All in favor, motion passed 7-0. Councilman Ghelarducci thanked Manager Collins for all her years of service and dedication to the community. MAYOR, BETTY COPELAND – Mayor Copeland said she has enjoyed going on “drive-bys” with the Fire and Police Departments to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations for those in the community. POLICE CHIEF, CHAD KING – Chief King thanked Lori for her years of service with the Borough. He had the opportunity to work with her for the last 11 years and congratulated her on her retirement. He thanked those who donated PPE items to the department and said the local courts will stay closed until at least June 1, 2020. SOLICITOR, THOMAS MCDERMOTT – Solicitor McDermott provided the confidential solicitor’s report prior to the meeting and said he is excited to work with Joe Kauer and expressed his gratitude in working with Lori these last 6 years. BOROUGH ENGINEER, KEVIN BRETT – Engineer Brett said it has been about a year since he started working with the Borough and said it was a smooth transition. He thanked Lori and expressed well wishes to her. Mr. Brett presented May 5, 2020, Engineer’s Report prior to this evening’s meeting. He said most bids were moved to a later date over the last eight days due to COVID-19. They received comments back from the DEP for the trash rack and expects the permit will be issued.

2020 Road Improvements – Bids scheduled to open May 12, 2020.

2019 Road Improvements – The contractor contacted LSSE and stated they are going out of business and will be using El Grande Industries, Inc. as a subcontractor to complete the subject work. Contractor to be forwarding the agreement between them and El Grande Industries, Inc. for the Borough’s records. The Borough’s contract and bonds are still with Victor Paving and Construction, Inc.

Long Term Road Plan – He said most Borough roads are in fairly good shape.

McLaughlin Run Park Phase II – Bid opening is scheduled for May 12, 2020.

Chartiers Park Improvement Project – LSSE is preparing DCNR and Greenways grant applications for submission by the Borough.

Backflow Preventer Project -2020 – LSSE awaiting addresses from Borough for preparing 2020 bid documents.

Chestnut Street Sink Hole – LSSE to contact a contractor to obtain a schedule for installation of the brick pavement.

Cook School Park – LSSE has reviewed the drainage complaints at 1276 and 1282 Cook School Road. LSSE issued a letter, dated April 6, 2020, with recommendations to the Borough to re-establish a drainage swale within the existing public right-of-way to collect and convey runoff from the park to the storm sewer system along Cook School Road.

FIRE CHIEF, RAY COSTAIN – Chief Costain was not present for the meeting.

SOUTHBRIDGE EMS, DAN MILLER – Mr. Miller said transports are down and revenue is down 40%. They were fortunate enough to receive a grant to keep payroll going. He said it was an honor to work with Lori and wished her well in the future.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR, MIKE TOLMER – Mr. Tolmer said he attended a webinar last week in preparation for the 2020 Hazard Mitigation Plan. He thanked Lori for getting him up to speed with this new position and said he really enjoyed working with her all these years.




BRIDGEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVE – Dale Livingston said they had a good discussion about items in the Comprehensive Plan at the last Planning Commission Meeting held via Zoom. He thanked Lori for her support with the Planning Commission and said it has been wonderful working with her. He wished her well in the future.

BOROUGH MANAGER, LORI COLLINS – Manager Collins provided her written report and project update prior to this evening’s meeting. She said it has been an honor to serve the residents and all the councils for the last 28 years and she thoroughly enjoyed it. She said it is a sad good-bye for her and she appreciates all the residents and thanked the council for all their support.

OLD BUSINESS Nino Petrocelli said he probably has known Lori longer than anyone else and worked with her for so many years. He will miss her, she taught him a lot and he said he appreciates her so much and hopes she has a good retirement.

NEW BUSINESS Bill Henderson said he would like to acknowledge Lori. He thanked her for all her years of service to Bridgeville and said he appreciates all her efforts and commitment to the community. He wished her all the best and wished her well.

ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by B. Ghelarducci, seconded by V. Schneider, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 PM. All in favor, motion passed 7-0.

See the meeting minutes here.