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Building and Zoning



In 2004 the Borough of Bridgeville elected to administer and enforce the provisions of the Pennsylvania Construction Code, Act 45 of 1999.  The Uniform Construction Code is the code established in Section 301 of the Act.  The purpose of the Act is to Protect Public Health, Ensure Safety of Building Occupants, and Protect Property from Failure and Destruction.  A Building Permit is required to verify compliance with the Uniform Construction Code.

Building Permits are required for:

  • Single Family Dwellings, Manufactured/Modular Homes, Two-Family Dwellings, Townhouses & Apartments, Additions, Alterations/Repairs, Decks, Porches/Porch Roofs, Swimming Pools (Above-ground and In-ground, greater than 24” deep), Spas and Hot tubs, Accessory Structures 1,000ft² and over, Fences over 6ft. in height, Retaining walls over 4ft. in height, Sidewalks/Driveways more than 30in. above adjacent grade, Demolition of existing structures, Commercial Buildings & Commercial Renovations

Application for Building Permit is available at the Borough Office or at  The Borough’s 3rd Party Inspection Firm for Building Permits is Building Inspection Underwriters.  Fees range from $64.50 and up depending on the size and scope of your project.  Drawings are required to be submitted with application.

When is a building permit not required?   You do not need to obtain a building permit for the following maintenance related types of projects: Replacing doors and windows of the same size within existing structure, replacing downspouts, gutters, soffit and fascia, replacing kitchen and bath fixtures such as cabinets, countertops, and sinks. Also you do not need a building permit to replace roof shingles. These are just some examples to give you a general guideline. You can contact our office if you have any questions.


The Borough is zoned for your property’s protection and is governed by Chapter 27 of the Bridgeville Code of Ordinances.  The Borough is made up of multiple zoning districts include Residential 1 and 2, Conservation, Industrial, and Mixed-Use Business Districts.  Each district has its own special regulations that permit the approved uses of the properties in these areas and provide regulations as for sizes of structures and setbacks.

Zoning Permits are required for:

  • Fences, Signs, Accessory Structures under 1,000ft², Sheds, Detached garages, Carports, Pavilions, Gazebos, Greenhouses, Agricultural Buildings

A Zoning Certificate is required to verify compliance with the Borough Ordinances regarding use, size and setback requirements.  Application fee for a Zoning Permit is $20 and applications are available at the Borough Office or


There are regulations in place that govern the construction of fences in the Borough.  If you are constructing a new fence or changing the height and location of an existing fence, a Fence Permit is required.  Application fee for a Fence Permit is $20.

In residential districts, fences may not exceed six feet in height from the front building face back and may not exceed four feet in height from the front property line to the building face. There are variations to approved fence height depending on what Zoning District your property is located within.


All businesses require a Commercial Occupancy Permit prior to opening. 

If you desire to install business identification signage, the type of sign, size and placement of signs are regulated by the Zoning Ordinance.  Permit application fee is $25 if the value of your sign is under $1,000; over $1,000 the sign permit fee increases by $5.


All Rental Properties in Bridgeville are required to be registered.  Landlord-Tenant registration is processed by the Police Secretary.


The International Property Maintenance Code of 2009 is the code used by the borough as its criteria. This code covers the inside and the outside of all properties in the borough and sets forth the minimum standards of maintenance. The Borough takes an aggressive approach toward addressing and correcting property maintenance violations. In addition to regulating the overall appearance of properties, the code regulates quality of life issues such as maintenance of grass, weeds, trash, debris, building exteriors, fences, and vehicle storage. How to Make a Complaint:  If you have a complaint about an unsightly property in the Borough, you may contact the Borough Manager at 412-221-6012 x111 or [email protected]